
Jesus commanded His followers to go to the four corners of the earth and reach out the communities for Christ.We are driven by the last words of Jesus to His disciples to “Go into all the world, and make disciples in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”(Matthew 28:19-20)

The Outreach Department is central to the continued health and growth of The Blessed Word Church.It is our belief that if the church will not reach out one day the Lord Jesus will become out of reach. We are to seek and save they that are lost in the same way as the Lord Jesus and his apostles did.

The objective of the Outreach Department is to mobilize the church in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to help transform the community both outwardly and inwardly.

                    Sseek and save the lost souls through house-to-house evangelization.

                    Aacquire the wisdom of God through seminars and prayer.

                    Vvoice out the goodness of God through crusade, concerts, and other evangelistic activities.

                    Eencourage every Christian to fulfill the Great Commission.